Thursday, March 15, 2012

Oil Drilling

Author's note: I wrote this because I think that they should not ruin the wildress in Alaska.

While you’re walking in the wilderness you will see many beautiful plants, animals, and many other creatures. Think about all of this nature replaced with machinery, bare land full of hard workers. This will happen to the Alaska wilderness preserve, because of our consumption rates. Although digging will only reduce US oil imports by 4%, having no real effect on prices or supply. We should not dig for oil in Alaska because it will not improve our economic conditions at all.

On MSNBC it states even if the government decided to dig for oil, it would not reduce the price for gasoline. The U.S would barely be getting out of the lost production that we have had earlier.  Followed by that, the Article Wildlife Organization estimated that it would only be a six month supply. Which means this wouldn’t stop the need for getting oil from other countries. The US uses 25% to 30% of oil produced in the whole world, but the Alaskan reserve is less than 3%.

In order to process the oil reserves, they would have to disrupt ecosystem in Alaska. It is one of the largest sanctuaries, which many animals live in. According to National Resources Defense Council some are endangered, like the shaggy musk ox and a mammoth that was a survivor from the last ice age. Also it affects the beauty, because there would be over 60 contaminated sites. Lastly the landscape would be defaced by mountains of sewage sludge, scrap metal, and garage.

The Wilderness Society has said that if they were to drill they might have a big oil spill, and there are many animals that are in the water most of the time. If they were to have this spill the sea lions, seals, whales and other types of animals would be in risk of dying. Another article on said that the production rate will get higher and that means that there will be more usage, so it would generate more greenhouse gases.

In conclusion, digging for the oil will not help our economic conditions. Since oil is not renewable, we should save all of our reserves and find a different method. Eventually, in the future we can use the rest of the oil when needed.

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