Tuesday, October 25, 2011

United States of America

Authors Note: The reason why I wrote this essay is because I really appreciated what our country does for us.

What would you think of USA when you would first hear it? Some people might say leadership, or freedom, maybe even independence. Some people might not like this country or they might not like the decisions the people in this country make. Although I think it is one of the best countries you could live in.

We spangled have many things to make this a really good country, like people sing the star spangled before they play a sport. Also most public schools say the pledge of allegiance, at the start of the day. The reason why we do that is because we represent our country and how proud we are in it.

Some things that we as a country are proud in is that we have soldiers that fight for us. Such as for one of our wars we had a war for our freedom, because we wouldn’t have been able to make our own laws. Also they found for other things that really helped our country. We have some holidays for these excellent things that have happened to our country.

The main reason why everyone really likes this country is that we act like a country. Most people get along with each other, some people do such nice things for each other. Almost everyone has a really good side to them. Also there is so many things that people can do like everyone is very well educated.

There are so many reasons why this country is good, although others may have something against this country and the people, but they should really give it another chance. Everyone living in this country should like this place and should be proud of it, even if we make poor choices. Everyone makes bad choices in their life though.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Author's note: I wrote this essay because I really enjoy this sport.

What is a sport that is played all over the world? Well there is a lot of other ones but I think the main one is soccer. Some people say that is it a really bad and sport and others say it is a good sport. Even some people make fun of our world cup team. It is a really good sport, and it can be a hard sport if you play against a hard team. 

One reason I like soccer is because I enjoy playing it, it is all around the world. It can be easy if you are really good at it, but everyone can still improve on something. The best thing is when you are a lone with the goalie and it was tied 0 to 0 and there is only 2 minutes and you score the winning goal. Normally the whole team 
would run after you, and everyone would be happy.

That isn’t the only reason though, if you think about how many people play soccer, there is a ton. There are so many teams that you could play on to play many games and play against hard competition. Also playing in the world cup would be really fun because tons of people would be watching you, and you could win awards. It 
would be a really cool opportunity to have.

The last reason is that in general this sport is fun once you start playing it. You could just get a bunch of friends and play on a team. Also it is so easy to get in a league and play against other people from other cities. Even if you aren’t good it is still fun because you would just try harder and your coach would help you out on that.

This sport really is just an excellent sport. This sport is even all year round, so you could stay in shape and still be playing something that you really enjoy. Honestly even if you aren’t good you would be able to get better.